VOIP effects

What a nice thing to run into as the first pinned message.


1) Has the advent of VoIP, in your opinion, been one the more important technological developments in recent history?




2) Is VoIP a disruptive technology?


Only for telcos.


3) Do you think that the plain old telephone system (POTS) will become obsolete in the future?




4) In your opinion, will mobile phones eventually be completely replaced by VoIP handsets, or will they continue to exist as a complimentary service?


That depends on how long eventually is. For at least ten years, and likely longer, cell phones will be used, at least in certain areas. Eventually, we are likely to have multiple redundant access to the world infosphere embedded in our bodies and recognized as a universal right, like freedom, life, food, shelter, and health care. Oh, perhaps not all of those are both recognized and supplied universally yet.


5) What do you find is the greatest potential benefit of VoIP?


Bringing people together across space and even time.


6) What do you think is the greatest weakness of VoIP and can this be overcome?


Reliability and 911 type access are somewhat lacking, but this will improve, naturally. The privacy of conversations is not secure, but it will improve, despite the best efforts of the NSA.


7) Lastly, where do you see the VoIP market heading in the next decade?


Lower cost, higher volume, more convenient, more reliable, more integrated with hardware and software. When I have a problem with my computer or its software, The help button will just connect me to Apple's call center in Bangladesh or wherever. They will be able, when I give permission, to examine and operate my computer and provide me the information or updates I need to get on with my work. Seamlessly.


So sayeth the Nitpicker.